Production method: Methode traditionnelle.
Winemaking: Early grape harvest of Savatiano variety is used to produce a wine with high acidity and low pH. For the base wine, we used free-run must that represents only the 30% of the grapes. Static settling at 10 ℃ and controlled fermentation at 17 ℃.
After the clarification of the wine, a secondary fermentation inside the bottle with the traditional method of producing champagne follows. The sparkling wine is aged for 6 months in bottles (sur lies fines).
Organoleptic characteristics: Lemon yellow colour with fine persistent bubbles – pine aromas and masticha –full-bodied taste- botanical aromas with a long aftertaste.
Accompanies seafood and traditional Greek dishes.
Enjoy it at 8 ℃.
Prašome atkreipti dėmesį, kad, dėl Alkoholio prekybos apribojimų, prekes galite gauti iki 20:00 (ir 15:00 Sekmadieniais). Užsakant kitam laikui, prekės bus paruoštos artimiausiai dienai.
Atsiimant prekes kurjeriui privaloma pateikti galiojantį Jūsų asmens dokumentą.