
Tuna steak is grilled and served with fresh Romaine lettuce, artichokes, squash, green beans,...
Coarsely chopped raw tuna is mixed with blue onion and balsamic-honey-oil sauce. Served with a fresh salad,...
King tiger prawns are grilled and mixed with fresh romaine lettuce, grilled beets,...
Fried eggplant and zucchini are mixed with chickpeas, tomatoes, garlic, onions and served with yogurt...
Fresh Romaine lettuce leaves are tossed with roasted beets, tomatoes, avocado and served with homemade...
Grilled eggplant is mashed and mixed with freshly chopped cucumber, tomato and paprika. Served...
Fire-roasted beef served with fresh Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, green peppers and...
Fried eggplant with fresh tomatoes, chopped green pepper, garlic and olive oil. Served with homemade...
Classic salad in Greece - fresh tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers served with Feta cheese, Kalamata olives...
Amazing fire-roasted chicken mixed with vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles, paprika), egg and...


Ingredients: Gordon's Dry Gin, Grapefruit Juice, Elderflower Monin, Lemon Juice

Green Flower

Ingredients: Stock Vodka; Triple Sec Liqueur, Lemon Juice, Mint, Elderflower Monin

Frozen Bellini

Ingredients: Peach monin, Prosecco, Vodka, Lemon juice

Between The Sheets

Ingredients: Morgan White Rum, Metaxa 5*, Triple Sec, Lemon Juice

Black Sabbath

Ingredients: JW Red Label, Passion Fruit, Blackberry

Clover Club

Ingredients: Raspberries, Raspberry Monin, Gordons Gin, Lemon juice, Egg whites

Cuba Libre

Ingredients: Morgan white, Lemon juice, Pepsi

Dream By Me

Ingredients: Morgan white, Melon Liqueur, Lemon juice, Morgan Black Spice, Almond Monin

Fly Jäger

Ingredients: Jägermeister, Aperol, Pineapple juice, Grenadine Monin, Strawberry monin, Lemon juice


Ingredients: Blue Curaqao, Stock Vodka, Jose Cuervo silver tequila, Gordon's Gin, Morgan white, Lemon juice, 3cents lemonade


Ingredients: Stock Vodka, Gordons Gin, Aperol, Grenadine Monin, Blackcurrant juice

Tokyo Ice

Ingredients: Melon liqueur, Morgan white, Stock vodka, Jose Cuervo Silver Tequila, Lemon juice, 3cents lemonade

Long Island Ice-Tea

Almost all alcohol we have + Homemade Fruit Ice-tea 

Classic Negroni

Ingredients: Gordon's Dry Gin, Aperol, Antica Vermouth


Ingredients: Vodka Stock, Triple Sec, Lime juice, Cranberry juice


Ingredients: Imiglykos red wine, Metaxa 5*, Oranges, Lemons, White Sugar, Soda water


Ingredients: Jose Cuervo Silver Tequila, Grapefruit lemonade, Lemon juice, Grenadine Monin

Whiskey Sour

Ingredients: Bullet, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Egg whites, Angostura Bitter

Jack Rose

Ingredients: Calvados, Grenadine monin, Lemon juice


Ingredients: Jose Cuervo Tequila Silver, Melon Liqueur, Lemon juice, Pineapple juice

Passion Sour

Gordon's Gin, Lemon juice, Grenadine monin, Passion monin, Egg whites

Bloody Mary

Stock Vodka, Tomato juice, Worcestershire, Tabasco, Salt, Pepper, Lemon juice

Gin & Tonic Classic

Ingredients: Gordon's London Dry Gin, Fever Tree Tonic 

Black Currant Royal

Ingredients: Tanqueray Blackcurrant Royal Gin, Fever Tree Tonic 

Tanqueray De Sevilla

Ingredients: Tanqueray De Sevilla Orange Gin, Fever Tree Tonic 


Ingredients: Gordon's London Dry Gin, Fever Tree Tonic, Peach Monin 


Ingredients: Luxardo Sour Cherry Gin, Fever Tree Tonic 

Mojito Classic

Ingredients: Mint, Lime, White Rum, Brown Sugar


Ingredients: Mint, Lime, White Rum, Brown Sugar, Strawberry Monin


Ingredients: Mint, Lime, White Rum, Brown Sugar, Raspberry Monin

Passion Fruit

Ingredients: Mint, Lime, White Rum, Brown Sugar, Passion Fruit Monin


Ingredients: Mint, Lime, Metaxa 5*, Brown Sugar

Margarita Classic

Ingredients: Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime

Frozen Strawberry

Ingredients: Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime, Strawberries

Frozen Coconut

Ingredients: Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime, Coconut Monin

Frozen Basil

Ingredients: Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime, Basil

Green Mango

Ingredients: Morgan White Rum, Morgan Black Spice Rum, Peach Monin, Mango juice, Mint, Lime

River Crash

Ingredients: Grapefruit juice, Passionfruit Monin, Almond Monin, Lime, Morgan White Rum
Morgan dark

Pina colada

Ingredients: Vanilla ice-cream, Morgan white, Coconut Monin, Lemon juice

Greek Mary

Ingredients: Vegetable Blood Mix, Ouzo


Composition: Malibu, Triple sec, Morgan White, Blue Curaqao, Baylies


Ingredients: Triple Sec, Jose Cuervo Tequila Silver, Tobasco

Green Mexican

Ingredients: Melon liqueur, Lime juice, Tequila Silver

Milky Way

Composition: Morgan white, Malibu, Blue Curaqao, Baileys

4 Leaf Clover

Ingredients: Ouzo, Carpano Bianco Vermouth, Baylies, Grenadine Monin